June 13, 2012

Selling Out

In these times, there are a number of things that I am not a fan of.

I'm a huge fan of SNL. The Kardashians, not so much. Apparently, these days, it takes a whole lot of not having any talent to make it to the big time. 

Which is why, when the Kardashians released their nail polish line, I wanted nothing to do with it. It relieved me somewhat that when I saw the promotional pics nothing stood out to me as a colour that I wanted or didn't already have. But then came the bloggers' swatches.

I did a pretty good job restraining myself. It was my final exam period, so the sight of the Kardashians lounging around on their nail polish display definitely didn't improve while I was busting my ass studying from 9 in the morning until 12 at night. Plus, the $9.99 price tag helped. (Plus tax!) 

Then, I went to New York after school ended, and spent a heck of a lot of time perusing the aisles at Walgreens and Duane Reade. Like seriously, A LOT OF TIME. SEVERAL TIMES A DAY. Not really sure what was with that, but most of it had to do with us being thirsty all the time. And, well, one thing lead to another...

I gave in and bought Kim-pletely In Love from Nicole by OPI. Apparently Kim Kardashian wore this on her wedding day. And, she probably got divorced before the polish had a chance to chip. This pale pink has some blue shimmer in it, plus some surprising pink-reddish shimmer that came out to play in the sun while I was driving. It took 4 coats to achieve this kind of opacity, and there's still some VNL, but it wasn't so noticeable from afar.

All things considered, I really liked this colour. It was pretty, it was feminine...it was work appropriate. I'm still trying to get over the fact that I have essentially given the Kardashians some of my money. (Less of my money, because I got it for $8 while the dollar was at par.) But I don't like to think about it, because the polish was gorgeous. 

As far as I can tell, this was my first and only Kardashian polish. Hopefully.

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