February 26, 2012

40 Days and 40 Nights

It's official. I have gone on a no-buy. This also coincides with Lent, so it's for reals this time.

(NOTE: This picture, which I have made myself, is in no way representing any dislike for Butter London. I LOVE BUTTER LONDON. It just happened to be the only lone bottle pic on my computer.)

I let people know about my attempt on Thursday, ending the statment with "and it's been going well so far". Of course, I got a good laughing at by the others, since Lent had only started the day before. I came really close to breaking today, as I took a detour to Winners after church today and they had this cute little OPI set with a jewelry case, Manicurist of Seville, and Black Cherry Chutney, which I've been lemming for awhile. I'm feeling pretty proud of myself for turning it down, but I keep reminding myself that there are 35 days to go...

So you heard it here first. I am for reals serious not going to buy any new nail polishes until Easter.

Wish me luck!

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