July 01, 2012

Canada Day, part 2

Good morning, and Happy Canada Day to my fellow Canadians out there!

I'm here to show you what ultimately became of my Canada Day mani. To recap, here are the materials that I used:

The remedy to the lack of Canadian-ness in the last version of my Canada Day mani was to add more RED!

First, I intended to only have the ring finger accent nail, but along the way I decided I wanted a couple of maple leaves in the design. Switched it up a bit by putting them on my middle finger instead of my thumb, like I would usually do.

The middle and ring fingers have 1 coat of Sally Hansen White On. The rest of my fingers have 1 coat of Wet n Wild Red Red with 2 coats of Nubar White Polka Dot.

Like I said before, the leaves and the lettering were pieces of a set of temporary tattoos that I applied to my nail using a wet cotton pad, then covered with 1 coat of Revlon Quick Dry Topcoat.

The tattoos were a lot easier to apply than I had expected, but I do have a few tips for easy application:

  1. Cut as close as you can to the actual tattoo when you're cutting it out of the sheet: the leaves on my right middle finger are pretty spaced out because I left a fair bit of the white border around the 2 pieces I cut out. When I laid them side by side, they were a lot more spaced out than I wanted them to be.

  2. Try as much as is possible to cut the tattoo to the size of your nail or smaller: if it is bigger, you'll have some of it stuck to your skin instead, or hanging off the nail. You'll have to do some pulling to take the excess off, which runs the risk of ruining your design.
  3. When applying pressure, try to apply pressure evenly across the curvature of your nail: in the above picture, there is a crack in the letter due to one of the edges lifting off with the side of the paper backing that I didn't apply pressure to.
  4. When applying pressure, try not to move the tattoo around on the nail: although the tattoo sticks on pretty well from the start, it's really easy to push it around as the paper slips off, so be careful!
Needless to say, I'm in love. I stepped out shortly after doing this mani to Wal-Mart and the cashier would not stop gushing over how much she loved my nails! She was really sweet, and I was ultra flattered. This is one mani that I'm really proud of. Here's another picture:

Hope everyone enjoys the long weekend! :D

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